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Peak Anastigmatic Lupe 4X   Peak Anastigmatic Lupe 7X   Scale

In this loupe with 4X magnifying power the image observed through the loupe is critically sharp from the centre to the edge of the image field, because of the careful optical cor­rection of the loupe for the astigmatism and the curvature of field as well as aberrations concerning the image of the central image. Ordinary magnifi­ers are corrected only for the central image. In this respect this loupe is quite similar to anastigmatic photographic lenses, and is manufactured with the same care and precision as they are.

One point which distinguishes this loupe from photo-lenses is that the position of the effective pupil of the loupe has been placed as far as 25 mm above the upper pole of the loupe, so that an observer can inspect the whole image field by merely moving his eyeball, without moving his face.

Therefore, this loupe is recommended as the most suitable model if an extended area is to be inspected at one time. A detachable glass scale, as shown in the illustration, is also provided at the position of the object plane of the loupe, to enable the observer to measure the size of the object very simply and easily. In case what you need is not a whole view of the object but an extended part of the object, Peak Anastigmatic Lupe 7X is a suitable mode for your purpose.


Code 1990-4 1990-7
Magnification 4X 7X
Field of view 58 mm 41 mm
Effective aperture 30 mm 22 mm
Scale length 54 mm 36 mm
Scale division 0.1 mm 0.1 mm
Working distance 54 mm 36 mm
Size ø 73 x 77 mm ø 55 x 53 mm
Weight 272 g 103 g