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Peak Eye Lupe

Handy eye piece with glass lens, used to repair watches and jewels to check various wares.

It's possible to choose among vrious kinds of magnification and two types of material: aluminium or vinyl. Please check the chart and pick out the one best suited for your purpose. A small hole on the barrel serves as a prevention against cloud on the lens while in use.

A48D, A60D and A80D versions are supplied with a practical safety collar (see the instructions).


Code Diopter Focal
Mag. Lens Material Weight
2048-A13D 13 3" 3.3X 1 Aluminium 10 g
2048-A16D 16 2½" 4X 1 Aluminium 10 g
2048-A20D 20 2" 5X 1 Aluminium 10 g
2048-A26D 26 1½" 6.7X 1 Aluminium 11 g
2048-A40D 38 1" 10X 2 Aluminium 13 g
2048-A48D 48 5/6" 12X 2 Aluminium 15 g
2048-A60D 60 2/3" 15X 2 Aluminium 15 g
2048-A80D 80 ½" 20X 2 Aluminium 15 g
2048-V13D 13 3" 3.3X 1 Vinyl 6 g
2048-V26D 26 1½" 6.7X 1 Vinyl 6.5 g