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High performant videomicroscope able to inspect flat and curved surfaces, completely in aluminium, it has an annular light system and a coaxial one with variable luminous intensity.

Video Check Roll-Z CX (VCR-Z CX)

The VCR-Z CX series uses the whole range of objectives with magnetic mount of the VCR series, between 30X and 2350X.

Completely motorized, it can make microshiftings also at step of one micron thanks to a particular system of pilotage of the micro-engine.

This series comprises 2 kinds of videomicroscopes: VCR-Z CX and VCR-Z CXProfessional.

Unlike the VCR-Z CX (equipped with a X-Y mechanical stage for coaxial light and Stand Lite for annular light), the VCR-Z CXP is equipped also with a X-Y mechanical stage of precision for annular light; both of them are able to make microshiftings of 10 mm on X and Y axis.

With the X-Y mechanical stage for annular light is possible to use the professional illumination set which allows to change the source angle of the light in 14 different positions, on this way, the user can have a three-dimensional vision of the surfaces under examination.

Two fixed support rollers, covered in an anti-slip material, allow a good stability on cylinders' surfaces having a minimum diameter of 115 mm.

Magnetic rollers are also available for a stabler placement on surfaces which allow it.

The Video View Basic software allows the most common measurements, as well as the comparisons and the saving of the images in different formats.

The VCR-Z CX can be connected to PC or laptop through its USB camera.

The focusing in the VCR-Z CX system can be done in an automatic, semiautomatic and manual mode depending on the precision and the speed of execution you wish to obtain.

The VCR-Z CX series is able to move completely in automatic to look for a focus point, with high magnification objectives (from 750X upwards), 2-3 µm of precision and repeatability are reachable.

This feature allows to our VCR-Z CX videomicroscopes to measure with a very high accuracy the value of depth of micro-engravers or cracks on flat and curved surfaces of different materials putting the device directly on the surface to be analyzed.

The automatic system and of precision of the focusing establish the value of the Z axis making a difference between the top surface and the bottom surface with the relative image of the point where the focus has been found.

The possibility of using the VCR-Z CX is extended if combined with the Three Dimensional Explorer.

VCR-Z CX on rotogravure cylinder (annular and coaxial lighting)
VCR-Z CX on rotogravure cylinder
(annular and coaxial lighting)

VCR-Z CX on anilox cylinder (400 L./cm. - objective 2350X)
VCR-Z CX on anilox cylinder
(400 L./cm. - objective 2350X)


Body VCR-Z motorized Body VCR-Z motorized with 1.3 Mpx USB2.0 CMOS camera (SPT DNS 000684) and millesimal digital comparator Mitutoyo
code SPT OVT 000721


Body VCR-Z motorized with 5Mpx USB3.0 CMOS camera (SPT DNS 000687) and millesimal digital comparator Mitutoyo
code SPT OVT 000722
Stand CX Stand "CX"
code STAND CXZ 10293
CX light CX light
code SPT OVT 000071
Objective Objective 200X code 200-P
Objective 750X code 750-P
Objective 1500X code 1500-P
Mouse for motor control Mouse for motor control
cod. SPT TOR 000080
Video Power cable Video Power cable for VCR-Z per VCR-Z
cod. SPT OVT 000549
Kit control unit
Kit control unit VCR-Z, power cable, USB cable for the connection to PC. Complete of Video View Basic software of half-automatic and automatic focusing, acquiring, comparing and measruring of the images in live.
code USZ 10449


Camera Software Code
USB2.0 CMOS 5Mpx Video View BASIC VCR-Z CX 10231A
USB3.0 CMOS 5Mpx Video View BASIC VCR-Z CX 10231B


VCR-Z Stand XY Stand XY for VCR-Z series
with stage X-Y "10 mm"
cod. STAND ZPY 10211

As Stand Zpy 10211, but with magnetic rolls
cod. STAND ZPM 10229
Set annular light Set annular light with magnetic mount for Stand Zpy 10211
code SPT OVT 000624
Couple of magnetic rolls Couple of magnetic rolls for "Stand XY" and "Stand CX" of the VCR-Z series
Length: 132 mm
code SPT OVT 000437
Mini metallic prisms Couple of mini metallic prisms for the perfect stability of cylindrical objects in horizontal position (size: 50x30x30 mm)
code SPT OVT 000626
single prism:
code SPT OVT 000621
Magnetic Stand-Up Magnetic Stand-Up 25 Couple of 90° magnetic angulars, they allows to keep very thin or hardly manipulable objects perfectly aligned and perpendicular to the objective (i.e. thin metallic layers, sheets of paper, plastic, etc.). Size: 25x25x15 mm
code SPT OVT 000489
Spacer ring Spacer ring (height 43 mm) for Stand Lite and Stand xy. Indispensable when you want to use high definition objectives (LDH) or the 15X of the VCR series (field of view: 18.2 x 13.6 mm). To use preferably together with the spacer ring of 24 mm to examine small three-dimensional objects.
code SPT OVT 000396
Spacer ring Spacer ring (height 24 mm) for Stand Lite and Stand xy. To use obligatorily together with the Spacer Ring of 43 mm if you want to examine three-dimensional objects or curved surfaces with LDH objectives or the 15X of the VCR series. With the Stand CX is indispensable to be used in presence of small three-dimensional objects.
code SPT OVT 000399
Power Distributor Power Distributor:
Y-shaped cable plus F-F OLEH connector (code SPT OVT 000630) to connect more utilizator to a low voltage male/female socket (6-12V / 2-3A).
Possible combinations:
2 males + 1 female
2 females + 1 male
cod. SPT OVT 000293
Cold Light Ring Cold Light Ring 80-120 Lighting source for woking distances of 80-120mm, with high luminous intensity magnetic mount and power regulator for high definition objectives (LDH series). To be used with "Stand CX".
code SPT OVT 000625
Cold light Arms Cold light Arms: Illuminator with two semi-rigid arms, high luminous intensity, cold light, working at 12V and low consumption. Equipped with magnetic connection to be easily positioned.
Technical data:
Power supply: 12V 40 mA
Arms length: 37 cm; Weight: 130 g
code SPT OVT 000369
Power SupplyPower Supply Power Supply 12V 7A rechargeable
Size: 190 x 110 x 100 mm
Weight: 3.5 kg
code UNI OVT 000246


Three Dimensional Explorer Jumbo
Three Dimensional Explorer Jumbo

OBJECTIVES FOR VCR-Z CX with Magnetic Mount
(Annular Light)

Code Video mag. Field of view Min
cylinder Ø
VCR-15 * 15X 18 x 13 mm Roll and lens distance
B-30 30X 9.0 x 6.7 mm
D-50 50X 5.5 x 4.2 mm
F-75 75X 3.6 x 2.7 mm
G-100 100X 2.7 x 2.0 mm
H-150 150X 1.8 x 1.4 mm
♦ 320-P 320X 0.85 x 0.64 mm
♦ 475-P 475X 0.55 x 0.42 mm
♦ 750-P 750X 0.35 x 0.26 mm
♦ 1100-P 1100X 0.25 x 0.19 mm
♦ 1500-P 1500X 0.16 x 0.12 mm
♦ 2350-P 2350X 0.12 x 0.09 mm
♦ Objectives can also be used with coaxial light.
Z-axis excursion = 23 mm.
Other objectives are available on request.

All objectives focus from cylinders with a minimum Ø of 115 mm.
Those marked with can also inspect cylinders with a minimum Ø of 80 mm.
Those marked with can also inspect cylinders with a minimum Ø of 80 mm only if combined with the spacer ring (code SPT OVT 000399).

* Objective usable only with VCR-P, VCR-ZP and VCR-Z Lite Pro.

Annular lenses for VCR-Z Pro

Click on the keys

Every key of the keyboard, represents an image taken using the choosen magnification.

Practical example of employment of a VCR with PRISMS and STAND-UP

Section of a milk carton


Distance between the lighting
source and the plane
Best working distance between a cylinder's surface and the lighting source (Ø min 115 mm) Position the cylinder must have when it has a diameter less than 115 mm

Objects' maximum height if placed on a flat surface: 7 mm Position of the rising supports (prisms) for the inspection of objects with height between 12 and 32 mm Position of the prisms for the inspection of objects with height between 42 and 62 mm

Inspections of multilayered sheets or of very thin profiles through the use of prisms and magnetic STAND-UPs Support (prism) for the inspection of small cylindric objects

For a correct illumination please refer to the following example
Use shims for small cylinders
  YES NO YES     


⇓⇓   Surfaces with Annular Lighting   ⇓⇓
Plexiglas Glass Anilox roll Rotochalcographic cylinder
plexiglass (200X)
treated glass (320X)
Anilox roll (1000X) Ro­to­chal­co­gra­phic
cylinder (750X)
Plexiglas Glass Anilox roll Rotochalcographic cylinder
⇑⇑   Surfaces with Coaxial Lighting   ⇑⇑


Shaded parts
(no visible)
Luminous rays coming from an irregular surface
Lighted parts
Reflected rays forming the visible image

The lighting is supplied by a luminous source which is placed as a ring around the lens. The vision of the object through the lens gives a soft image as the rays are reflected and absorbed in different manners by the various surfaces.
This type of lighting is the most used one as it fits to a greater extent of surfaces of different materials.
Engraving on titanium
Engraving on titanium
Piece of paper
Piece of paper
1 Euro coin
1 Euro coin


The lighting goes through the same axis of the lens.
The light comes perpendicularly on the surface of the object creating a hard image; this is due to the complete return of rays coming from flat surfaces and of those reflecting from slanting surfaces. This system is perfect to visualize engravings of metallic objects.
Engraving on titanium
Engraving on titanium
Piece of paper
Piece of paper
1 Euro coin
1 Euro coin


Code Video
Field of view Maximum examineable depth
200-CX 225X 1.4 x 1.1 mm 15 mm
320-CX 390X 0.7 x 0.5 mm -
475-CX 550X 0.5 x 0.4 mm -
750-CX 950X 0.3 x 0.2 mm -
1100-CX 1380X 0.2 x 0.15 mm -
1500-CX 1810X 0.15 x 0.11 mm -
2350-CX 2750X 0.1 x 0.09 mm -
- The values reported on the tables could be lightly different (5-10%) due to the optical and mechanical unlike series.
- These objectives are usable also with VCR-CX PRO with annular light.


The possibility of inspecting any type of surface with all the wide range of available objectives of the VCR series (25X/2350X) and of the high definition series (LDH), will give a safe certainty to the operator to be able to use his device in almost all the occasions.

The difference between the set for annular light Professional and the annular light Lite one is the possibility, for the Professional, of selecting 14 different angulations of origin of the lightings around the subject so as to be able to search every particular and make the image visible and stereoscopic as in the example:

50 Euro banknote
Annular light professional examples

1 Euro coin


Annular light
Annular light professional

Clicking on the keyboard you will have a visual demonstration of the illumination patterns.


Annular light professional examples

The use of the angulated light is suggested also to give prominence to the harshnesses or the conformation of the various surfaces.


Edge of a razor blade examined with coaxial light Razor blade edge
Edge of a razor blade examined with coaxial light (750X) Razor blade edge (750X)

Print screen (50X)
Print screen (50X)
Print point (200X)
Print point
Print screen (200X)
Print screen
Flexographic cliché (25X)
Flexographic cliché
Anilox cylinder (1550X)
Anilox cylinder
Engraved plate for offset printing (320X)
Engraved plate
for offset printing (320X)
Section of milk's carton (320X)
Section of milk's carton (320X)
Section of business card (475X)
Section of business card
Section of rubberized cloth (printing cliché) (75X)
Section of rubberized cloth (printing cliché) (75X)
Razor blade edge (750X)
Razor blade edge
Rim of the razor blade examined with coaxial light (750X)
Rim of the razor blade examined with coaxial light (750X)
Watch mechanism (100X)
Watch mechanism
Notes cardboard (50X)
Notes cardboard
Notes cardboard (320X)
Notes cardboard
White paper photocopy with traces of toner (320X)
White paper photocopy with traces of toner (320X)